Girl meets boy, and life seems so sweet. Now that he is in her life, no
one else exists. All day he is the number one feature of her daydreams;
the star of the show. She checks her Facebook to see if he has posted on
her wall; and her gaze is always lowered... right on to her phone,
checking for his messages. She is his queen, and he is her king. He
cherishes her, adores her and cares for her in every way possible. She
says she cannot live without him, and with a twinkle in his eyes, he
says he feels the same way. She wonders, is this real?
So romantic, right?
Sure... If her Prince Charming happens to be her husband.
And if not?
She risks losing her reputation, her self-respect, her modesty, her Iman... and worst of all, her akhirah is in grave danger.
One of the most evil crisis' to come upon the Ummah is that of dating
and inappropriate contact between the genders. Whether we are aware of
it or not, these relationships are rampant, hidden behind deleted
messages and secret hook-ups. Evil surrounds these relationships- from
loss of reputation and destruction of modesty, to outright zina and
What if it's too late you ask?
It's never too late to turn to Allah. This article is not about the fiqh
of gender interaction (references for that at the end of the article).
This is just some advice from one sister to another, to every girl who
has non-Mahram "friends" with whom she freely chats to; every girl who
sincerely wants to marry for the sake of Allah, but has found herself
falling in to the haram in her quest; to all my sisters out there who
make excuses as to why they can't keep it halal. Let be real with
ourselves, inshaAllah.
Excuses for Free-mixing and Dating – Let's be real
But we love each other!
Yes, you might love each other, but isn't Allah more deserving of your
love? Of course you say, knowing full well that Allah deserves your love
above everybody and everything else.
... are some who take (for worship) others besides Allah as rivals
(to Allah). They love them as they love Allah. But those who believe,
love Allah more (than anything else)…. (Surah Al Baqarah 2:165)
Are you using His blessings (sight, speech, movement, intelligence,
beauty) to disobey Him? If you love, deeply, truly - Allah - than love
everybody else in ways that please Him. Get married if possible, since
that is the cure for those in love.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas : Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "You have seen nothing like marriage for increasing the love of two people.' Ibn Majah transmitted it.
Tip: If marriage is not an option, have sabr and don't transgress
the limits set by Allah for fleeting feelings. InshaAllah your time
will come, and the fire of regret will burn deep in your heart if you
fell in to haram while you were seeking the Halal.
We only talk on the phone/Facebook/text... Isn't that ok?
Short answer, no.
You might have pure intentions, hoping to get to know each other for the
sake of marriage. The scary fact is, Shaytaan will seize the
opportunity if he sees you approaching a potentially sinful situation.
Slowly but surely, certain things seem more and more acceptable to you,
and you could soon find yourself in a compromising situation that you
never would have thought possible.
Like quicksand, haram relationships are easy to fall in to and hard to
get out of (mostly because of the emotional toll). If only we heeded the
advice of the One created us, we'd find our lives so much easier.
And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way. (Al Isra 17:32)
Tip: Don't even come close to zina- can the advice be any
clearer? What starts off “innocently” can lead to zina. Trust that Allah
is looking out for your best interest. Begin what you intend to do the
right way, so that what follows is right, inshaAllah. If what begins
right, ends right, we can hope for the “right” abode in the akhirah -
But we're getting married... eventually!
In a nutshell - until the imam pronounces you as man and wife - he is to
you as every other man is. Would you consider is ok to call Carlos from
accounting and have a chat about your favorite movies? Is it ok to meet
Imam Bilal at the movies? Late night phone calls and meet ups are
off-limits, unless your wali is in on the situation like butter on
Sisters, don't be fooled in to thinking everything is sweet just because
he manned up and proposed (or promised to propose). By Allah, there are
girls who give up their dignity, with promises of marriage, and I'm
talking about really giving it up. They lost their 'izza for nothing
more than promises and feeling lovey dovey - only to find themselves
dumped, or in a miserable marriage to someone who doesn't fear Allah,
because they were too love-blind to see the red flags. A real man isn't
one who can get the girls... a real man is one who fears Allah,
especially when emotions are high.
But he wont want me if we don't communicate.
Think of your (future) husband as an advocate of your deen - i.e. the
closest person to you that will encourage you toward good and steer you
away from sin. If this guy fails to encourage piety from the outset,
what is it that you are seeking from him?
If the guy you want to marry pressures you to communicate with him
outside of your wali, he's forcing you in to a corner. On one hand, you
want to protect your izza and your Iman. On the other hand, is him. Does
that sound like a good deal to you?
Your wali is there for a reason (actually, quite a few reasons). He is
supposed to deal with your suitors, and act as a chaperone, to avoid any
haram contact.
Tip: Utilise your wali to safeguard your Iman, hopefully
attaining barakah in your marriage by doing things in accordance to
Islam. Don't taint your future marriage by planting the seeds of haram,
because eventually you will have to reap them.
I can't find anyone else but him...
As for those who fear they can’t find anybody else, may Allah send you a
righteous brother soon, Ameen. It's tempting to cling on to the first
decent guy that shows interest, but don't settle for anyone who makes
you compromise your Deen.
Tip: Be upfront with all suitors. Let them know your wali will be
present at all times during the pre-marital meeting. Make sure your
wali understands his role properly, which isn't to keep a brick wall
between you and your intended, but to act as your guardian. There are no
excuses for being in seclusion (khalwa) with a non-Mahram for the sake
of getting to know them.
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab: Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Whenever a man is alone with a woman the Devil makes a third." (Al-Tirmidhi 3118)
But everyone else is doing it...
I find it appropriate to repeat the words of my mother, and just about
everybody else's mother, "If everybody jumps off a bridge, will you jump
too?". Cliche, sure, but they had a point. Just because other people
are engaging in haram, it doesn't make it ok for you to follow. You'll
only add to your bad deeds, and theirs too. What if the same people you
choose to follow in this life, turn out to be the ones you have no
choice but to follow in the next? And what of these same people are
thrown into fire - what will your situation be?
Tip: Keep good company, stay amongst people who understand the
seriousness of disobeying Allah and His messenger sal Allahu alayhi wa
salaam. Reflect on the famous Hadith of the perfume and the blacksmith:
Narrated Abu Musa: Allah's Apostle said, "The example of a good companion (who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith's bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof." ...(Ṣahih al-Bukhārī)
Good friends are invaluable. A good friend will advise you to have sabr
and wait for a suitable situation to come up. A bad friend will
encourage you to disobey Allah for a meaningless romance. The difference
between such companions is literally the difference between Jannah and
Jahannam. Choose wisely, and find success, inshaAllah.
But it's too late to keep it halal...
So you've already commenced haram contact and you feel like its too late to stop. Fortunately, you're wrong.
The contact between you may have become inappropriate, it doesn't have
to stay that way. Perhaps Shaytaan got the better of you, and he might
have won a few battles, but it doesn't mean he's won the war. You can
make it halal, but you have to make a sincere effort.
1. Within yourself, make it clear that you are 'making it halal' for the
sake of Allah. This is vital! You need to be clear about what your goal
is, and stay steadfast, because Shaytaan is going to attack you from
very angle. Repentance is key – you need to seek forgiveness, regret,
and abstain from the sin. The great news is, that you have a Lord who is
Ar-Rahman (The Compassionate), Al-Ghaffar (The Pardoner), Al-Afuw (The
Forgiving), Al Halim (The Kindly).
2. Give the number of your wali to this guy, if you're serious about
marriage. If not, break contact immediately. Either you're heading for
marriage or you're not. Good Muslims are not 'players' - so don't play
By shunning the evil of free mixing and dating, you are reviving a
sunnah, and setting a trend of modesty and piety, in a world riddled
with evil desires and dangerous sins. Don't underestimate the worth of
clinging to the Deen, regardless of whose love you lose...
...Because a Muslimah Queen like you deserves to be loved and cherished
in ways that please Allah, Whose love we cannot live without. And that's
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by
sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives
all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (39:53)
Fatwas and advice
Am I sinning by dating?
Is it ok for brothers and sisters to chat online?
What is the ruling on Facebook?
Dating in Islam
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